What current starter makes you cringe the most?

That was against New York, who statistically had a worse defense than ours, when we played them, go research it. We weren't throwing 7 TDs on real teams like that, and a lot of the TDs came in garbage time, as you well know. Teams were done, resting starters and playing Marty ball, here we come with stats...lol. We did this the year prior also.

What makes you Cringe? Let me guess, it was Rob Ryan, right?

Haha you are so clueless. You still didn't argue your point of "we didn't have guys throwing TDs on us like we're used to" ya know. Just an NFL record amount of times. :hihi:

And no I cringe every time I saw Browner on the field, or when we trot Dixon out there to cover #1 WRs, or when our kicker (who had the worst FG % in the league last year) or when Senio Kelemete is the only thing standing in between Brees and a big ugly. Those are actual problems. Not "but but but Brees throws interceptions" name one QB who doesn't.