What current starter makes you cringe the most?

I can see how Shiz got to where he's at. Brees will make some booooooneheaded plays. Totally agree with him that the offense lost us some games early. The defense played decent (in a few games) and the offense would just sputter.....for an entire first half or more. They would always come back at the end to pad stats. And it really is like the further away we get from the season the more people forget.

But I see the cause different. The running game wasn't exactly lighting things up around these times and Brees was under duress a lot. WRs just could not get separation. So I just can't put that blame on Brees. Get him some OGs and draft a WR high and that guy will light up the league all four qtrs of a game. My huge concern is that we didn't fix OG.

I beat the OG/DT drum all last year. Didn't get fixed. Dead year. Beat the drum this year, DT has had a partial fix.....but not much else. We'll see how the draft goes. It seems almost assured we'll end up with a good DT somewhere but OG? I don't know. Say we only pick one and he goes the way of Charles Brown. I'm really hoping we pick two OGs high. We also need depth at OL. And a WR and DT high....but ****....we don't have enough picks for all of that because I also cringe with Forbath so Aguayo would be awesome. We need that kid. I would almost say we should throw a 3rd at him just to make sure we secure him. It surprises me so many people picked kicker. I think EVERYONE has it listed as a sore spot I just didn't think it would be the biggest sore spot for so many. Maybe using the word "cringe" instead of worried influenced the vote....? But that is more positions needing upgrades than picks.

So something has to give. But I think every team has to go into the season with some areas of weakness. It's unsettling to think that the answer to us ascending to the next level or staying in mediocrity is already on the roster.....but that's usually how this works. Coleman, Davison/Jenkins, Forbath/Scobee, Richardson, Lelito, Kelemete....three, maybe two, of these people/groupings will go into camp without serious competition (by serious I mean where they are the underdog). We will really need them to step up.