What current starter makes you cringe the most?

That's true.

Not to bring up the Aaron Brooks debate but he had some of those same defensive issues. He was no where near where Brees is. But yeah, that is another factor of why Brees makes people cringe but it's not really on him. I think it was more poor wording on my part.

No, he makes you cringe as well, as you expressed during the games. I had a moment and perused the Falcons, Jaguars, Texans and Panthers threads (more)...that were on front pages. Its worse than I remember :hihi:", and DJ1bigtimer is right, folks will defend Brees to the end. That's to be expected, but you will also see why some of the folks in those threads won't participate in your poll, if it's not anonymous. After going through those games, it makes you wonder how Brees has the balls to just sit back like he is doing.

If you get a moment, go read them and refresh, especially Luke's game. Anyway, a whole lot of cringing was going on during those games, wow. One of them, somebody said, "Ok, we have to score here" and the response was "Its fourth QTR...so we don't get blown out?" Another, I think you MSU got into it with someone for 7 points the entire first half. Maybe it wasn't you...but its funny after the fact.