Who is better? Emmanuel Ogbah Vs. Noah Spence

With a good DC, Ogbah should be the better player. He's as athletic as you'll see in a 275 pound man and he has Groot arms. The thing is, idk if we have the defensive staff to get the most out of him. It's hard to say that as a true fan, but it's true.. We may be better off drafting a guy who's technique is already well refined.

Ogbah has a much higher ceiling IMO, but a much lower floor. He could be Aldon Smith 2.0, or never have his name called once. Spence, as long as he keeps his head on straight, I think can be a good -- not great -- player. Probably won't make a ton of pro bowls, but he'll grade out positively across the board. Like a less athletic Bruce Irvin.