Whole Foods countersues pastor who claimed he was offended by slur

When he noticed the offensive word on the cake, he said he was humiliated, disappointed and shocked. Overwhelmed with emotion, he didn't want to return to the store and cause a scene. Brown called the corporate office to tell them what happened and was sent to voice mail. After that, he called the store and spoke to the manager, who apologized and offered him a gift card and replacement cake.
The store manager called him back a few hours later. Brown said the manager said the bakery associate did nothing wrong. There was no apology, and it appeared the offer for the gift card and replacement cake had been revoked, according to the lawsuit.
"After reviewing our security footage of Mr. Brown, it's clear that the UPC label was in fact on top of the cake box, not on the side of the package," Robin Kelly, Whole Foods spokesperson, said in a statement. "This is evident as the cashier scans the UPC code on top of the box."

I don't see how WF would court this sort of public scrutiny if they weren't pretty certain they were in the right