Arrow - Spoilers galore

Besides any member of the Smoak family. I so wanted to punch the mom for grilling Quentin like she did. I just wish the Smoak's would get of their high horse.

Yeah. I actually ended up speeding through those scenes because of how intolerable they were.

Also, the back and forth between Felicity and her father while the literal apocalypse is about to happen was stupid. I don't care what you've done to me or what kind of person you are. If you have the means to avert the end of the world, we can have that talk later.

There has been marginal improvement the past few episodes, but I'm nowhere near ready to call things good with this show. I still watch out of habit and because I really did love the first two seasons and keep holding out hope for a return to form, but I've been burned. They're going to need some good, sustained stretches of episodes that focus more on hero/villain dynamics and less on soap opera relationship nonsense before I'm willing to say good things about it again.