Michael J. Fox talks about campaign/Rush
Rush Limbaugh aside, there are actual issues to discuss here. If someone is going to go on TV and support one candidate, while spouting what amount to practically lies, then that said person is not immune from criticism. (regardless of there medical condition).
Talent does support stem cell research. He simply doesn't support embryonic stem cell research. Do some research and find out how many medical positives have came out of embryonic stem cell research, much less cures for anything, and you'll see why so many oppose it (the answer would be 0), People oppose it not only for the fact that its along the lines of abortion, but also because it isn't viable for anything and millions of dollars have yielded absolutely nothing from it.
Adult stem cell research has yielded many breakthroughs over the years, but noone talks about that, they just talk about embryonic stem cells because its a good political platform. Frankly I think its a little disgusting in its own right to use such things for political gain. We know several types of stem cell's are providing cures and medical breakthroughs but politicians ignore those and don't push for extra funding for it. Makes no sense.