Cops: Man Choked 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom

So how exactly does a law banning transgenders from the sex they identify with stop THIS situation from happening?

Transgender discrimination law passes...heterosexual men, like I'm assuming you are, can will still do this. YOU are a bigger threat to my daughter than anyone and I will continue to treat you like such. I don't need a law that discriminates against transgenders to be vigilant about my daughter's surroundings. If you walk into the girls bathroom, I'm going in right behind you, law or now law. This is easy. Stop being stupid. These are the harder problems in life.

EXACTLY. Yes, there is a chance that this type of incident can happen to your children. The morely likely scenario...and it's insanely more that one of your relatives or close family friends will sexually assault your child. How likely? It's happened to someone that will read this AND it will happen to someone that has read this. it's THAT likely. But we're off creating bogeymen out of men who identify as women, but entrusting our children to the people most likely to cause them harm.

To me the issue arises about this happening more frequently because for the past century a man trying to walk into a women's restroom would have been stopped. If he walked in without anyone knowing, he would have been met with a woman inside screaming and causing a scene. With the Target-like rules in place people are going to turn more of a blind eye of a man walking into the women's restroom because they don't want to make a scene and be called insensitive, transgendered fearing, etc. They'll just assume he must identify with himself being a woman and to me that opens a really big door to make it EASIER for pedophiles to slip into the bathroom. Is it impossible for them to do it now? Absolutely not, but this just makes it easier IMO.