Cops: Man Choked 8-Year-Old Girl in Restaurant Bathroom was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service and the domain name

Like I said...narrow minded. Could you review the scientific data available? No, you link a site whose motto is "The Right News. Right now." The former editor took a leave of absence in to serve as the director of radio and online operations for the Republican National Committee. Seriously?

Nah, stay in the echo chamber. Ignore the countless other information available from nonpolitical periodicals for the undocumented claims of a septagenarian Republican shrink. Marlboro also produced cancer research that proved there's no link between cancer and smoking. I'm guessing you trusted that over the REST of the research that the scientific community produced. Go ahead. Put your fingers back in your ears.