Arrow - Spoilers galore
This episode was basically a microcosm of what has become my love/hate relationship with this show.
Enjoyed the scenes with Ollie and Dig going it old school, sans Overwatch in their ear, trying to rescue Thea and the rest of the town inhabitants and take down Anarky. Some good action scenes...
Hated the Felicity parental drama. And, seriously, how sickeningly hypocritical are these Smoak women? After all their high horse preaching to others about lying, we find out that Felicity's mother has been lying to her FOR YEARS about her father leaving them, and it's no big deal? Are they trying to make these characters this loathsome?
Side note on something I noticed tonight: Have they ever called Dahrk's daughter by name? I don't recall it. I have some hope maybe it's something significant like Zatanna, but this season has been so wildly uneven, I can't be too optimistic.