N/S Vinnie Sunseri working out for Pats

Former #Saints S Vinnie Sunseri worked out for the #Patriots last week. His recovery from ACL surgery is going well (hit 9 month mark).
— Adam Caplan (@caplannfl) May 20, 2016
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So maybe the 2014 draft didn't work out well for us, but the fact that our picks (for the most part) are still in the NFL (Cooks, Fortt, SJB, possibly Sunseri) that should count for something.

To your point, if a pick does well with a different team, that's even worse than him just not working out at all in my opinion; so if it counts for anything, I think it's worse. Also to your point, none of those guys, other than the one we kept, has remotely done anything. Nine times out of ten, if you're good enough to get drafted, you have enough talent to where a team will always give you a second shot hoping they can do what the first team couldn't. I like Sunseri, but he is injury prone. Fortt is a moron. SJB is poo. "Still in the NFL," but probably not for long.