Arrow - Spoilers galore
The Smoak family relationship drama is stupid beyond description. They're literally trying to prevent the apocalypse (again!!!) and her dumb mother is getting pissy that she lied by omission by never saying anything about working with Green Arrow. Then later admits she'd been lying to Felicity her entire life.
You know what? Enough of this dumb show and it's dumb subplots related to characters lying. Felicity gets pissy with Oliver because he can't stop lying, Felicity's mom gets ****** at Felicity because Felicity lied. Felicity's mom has actually been lying this entire time, which prevent Felicity from having a relationship with her father. Digg's brother lied to Digg. Digg lied to his wife about why he killed his brother. Blah blah blah. It's such a lazy *** crutch for the writers to keep falling back on that it underscores how they have no real concept of characterization of relationships. No one on this show is capable of telling the truth to anyone, ever.
I hope Damian Dahrk blows up Star City next week. I really have had my fill of Arrow and it's characters. Just nuke them all and give the timeslot to a JSA spinoff from Legends of Tomorrow.