Brexit - Is it gonna happen? (Update: UK votes to leave EU)

Having recently returned from Europe, I find a lot of the politics there very similar to the US. They may call the parties different names, but generally speaking its a right versus left type thing they have going on. They are infatuated with Trump and American politics. I think our politics have an influence there to some extent.

Best I can tell, the whole EU thing is a very complex issue that ties European countries together in many ways, not just the euro currency thing. The young lady who is my son's roommate in Spain where they both teach is from England. I am not sure exactly how it works, but I think the association with EU make sit very easy or her to move around and work all through Europe. I suspect her and those with the education and means to travel would want to stay in the EU.

Those against the EU have done a good, Trumpian type job of making it mostly about immigration. This appeals to the fear they have in England that allowing immigrants will overwhelm their social systems, change their culture and blow themselves up in trains and shopping centers.

I am not sure how that ties to all the EU issues, and how being out of the EU solves that problem, but that is what a lot of the conversation was about when I was there.

It is not an easy issue by any means. Both sides have valid points. You want to do the humanitarian thing and save people fleeing for their lives. There are costs and risks in doing so.

We had our "brexit" back in 1775. If the Tories (conservatives) had not been so hard line, who knows, we might still be part of Britain. Many Whigs (liberals) thought the oppressive Troy policies were driving rebellion and sympathized with American patriots.

My guess, they stay in the EU.