5 in, 5 out

Playoff teams in 2015 were:

Broncos -IN
Patriots- IN
Steelers- IN (get #5 seed as Wild Card)
Bengals- IN (Win AFC North)
Chiefs - OUT (Jets in as #6 Wild Card)
Texans- OUT (Jaguars win AFC South)

Panthers - IN (Saints win NFC South; Panthers get #5 seed)
Cardinals - IN
Seahawks - IN
Vikings - OUT (Packers win NFC North)
Packers - IN (win NFC North; Cowboys get #6 seed (win tiebreaker with Giants & Redskins)
Redskins - OUT

This season will be fun to watch, especially since the Saints make a huge turnaround! :munch: :ezbill:


With Geno? And Cincinatti will not win the north, Cowboys are NFC East.