How much to put aside for taxes
First of all, congrats on your wife's new job and success. We have a friend who startedin real estate later in life. In just a few years she became top seller for her company. Some people have a knack for selling.
I agree with those who suggest 25%. It's more than you need to put aside for taxes, but you can take the overage and invest it in savings. Americans are in general poor savers. It's very hard to survive on social security. Dollars saved and invested when you are young can grow quite dramatically over time.
And insofar as not being wealthy, that's truly a relative term. Your income probably puts you in the top 1% of earners worldwide. In the US we have people we consider impoverished who have cars, tvs, phones and even houses. In Ethiopia and Somalia only 3 in a 1000 people own vehicles. In Peru and Ecuador it's only 70 in a 1000.
So I know what you mean when you say you do not consider yourself wealthy, but it depends as compared to who. We really take it for granted how lucky we are to live in the US where even our truly poor people would be rich if compared to world metrics.