Saints Analysis from NFL Source

I think the so called source is stupid. No one worth their salt takes preseason into account. I have been saying all along we will have a top 10 Oline. And Brees had one injury. This guy probably sells beer and is calling himself a source

Why do some have to be so close minded. This is not Bill Parcells. He just knows more about NFL players than anyone else I know and as been correct an extremely high percent of the time. Bubba runs another gym in New Braunfels, right outside Austin. he played for the Cowboys for 4 years. His best friend is Randy White who comes to town a few time per year. Pete and Bubba are friends and Randy comes to Pete's gym with Bubba to shoot the **** about the NFL with Pete.

Somebody tried to claim he knows someone who knows everything that happens with the Rangers. Pete tried to rehab a AA pitcher from Mexico for the Rangers earlier in the year. The kid will likely never play again cause of disc problems in his neck.

Again, these trainers and even Randy White is not a rocket scientist, nor do they pretend to be. They just have some opinions and sometimes very reliable knowledgeable sources.

Sorry you guys are taking the Saints loss so hard, but if your manhood got hurt, lamely trying to run down another Who Dat Brother is only sharing your misery with other Black and Gold brothers. Rise Above! We are in this together!

Fury - I used to think you were just insecure. But I now believe you are a major Who Dat fan with some very funny insights. If it makes you feel more manly to take shots at my posts, go for it. I really thought you were a girl in the 1st year before you changed your avatar