Kids from very different 'neighborhoods' visiting each other

k, so i posted the below thread a few years ago and i thought we had a decent discussion (though there were many red thumbs for even starting the thread:idunno:)

so here is "son of" that thread:
b/c my wife teaches at a certain area "good" school, my oldest is able to go start going there this year (we also happened to find a place a block away so we jumped on that - the house is just basic NO shotgun - no frills but not a bad place)
he's already had to playdates at friends' houses
when my wife took him to the first house said said he gasped at the size of it - and that was a gut punch for her (it's very complicated)

We haven't had any of his friends over (we've just finished unpacking and there's a 2 1/2 yr old that complicates plans as well), but I'm sure the topic is coming up soon
I know that my wife is dreading the idea of having a kid from super nice house come over to our much more humble home


I've been on both sides of the aisle. Went through some very difficult times after parents filed bankruptcy. Lived in a very small apartment in Mandeville and another in Plano, Tx, both high end areas and I had some friends that were from very wealthy families. My parents worried about the same thing. My friends didn't care, they just wanted to play. Yeah, we may have chosen to go to their house more often because they had more stuff to do and less limitations but that was about it.

I also moved to Mississippi and while it wasn't a mansion or anything we lived in a nice house. I went over to a friends house for the first time and he lived in a very small house, very poor family. I didn't think anything of it until I walked inside and there was dog crap all over the floor, holes in the wall and roaches everywhere. The size of the house, quality of the furnishings weren't a big deal at all but I never wanted to step foot in the house again due to it just being sickening. It changed the way I felt about that friend because I felt horribly bad for him. Still his friend today though. Went over to the house he bought a few years ago and it was one of the cleanest houses I've ever been to. Pretty sure it's because of what he dealt with growing up.

I'm not saying all kids will be like that but for the most part, kids just want to go play. The parents may be a different story. Adults are much bigger *******s.

I'll also say that many of my customers are very wealthy. The top 1% people. They are also some of the best people I've ever met. Super friendly, very understanding and smart people that don't look down on others. There are certainly exceptions as there are in any group but for the most part. The people that I've found tend to be the biggest jerks are the ones with a little money that think they have a lot. I would think in a city as diverse as New Orleans it would be a non issue for most.