TIL: Today I Learned...

TIL, sadly that there's less than 40% as much wildlife as when I was born. They estimate by the 2020 there will be only 1/3 as many fish and animals alive as there were in 1970.

World wildlife 'falls by 58% in 40 years' - BBC News

The last report, published in 2014, estimated that the world's wildlife populations had halved over the last 40 years.

This assessment suggests that the trend has continued: since 1970, populations have declined by an average of 58%.

Dr Barrett said some groups of animals had fared worse than others.

"We do see particularly strong declines in the freshwater environment - for freshwater species alone, the decline stands at 81% since 1970. This is related to the way water is used and taken out of fresh water systems, and also the fragmentation of freshwater systems through dam building, for example."