Ingram benched [OLD THREAD BUMPED]
Ingram made horrible mistakes two weeks in a row. It happens, coaches make tough moves, and players learn tough lessons. It's part of the game, It's part of life.
BUT WOW!!! I wonder what the "fans" will say when and/or if Drew ever has a few horrible games in a row. Or Cooks, Or Michael Thomas, or Cam, or anyone else who happens to hit a rough patch. I'm happy for Hightower, but cant and wont hate on Ingram. Bad games and rough stretches happen. I cant wait to see how Mark responds.
On that note, only cowards and comedians kick people when their down. I would pay to see some of these dudes share their negative comments to Mark in person. In real life, I'd bet these guys would probably ask for his autograph instead.