Ingram benched [OLD THREAD BUMPED]

Ingram made horrible mistakes two weeks in a row. It happens, coaches make tough moves, and players learn tough lessons. It's part of the game, It's part of life.

BUT WOW!!! I wonder what the "fans" will say when and/or if Drew ever has a few horrible games in a row. Or Cooks, Or Michael Thomas, or Cam, or anyone else who happens to hit a rough patch. I'm happy for Hightower, but cant and wont hate on Ingram. Bad games and rough stretches happen. I cant wait to see how Mark responds.

On that not, only cowards and comedians kick people when their down. I would pay to see some of these dudes share their negative comments to Mark in person. In real life, I'd bet these guys would probably ask for his autograph instead.

Ingram has played against Seattle 3 times. And in each game he has fumbled in a critical part of the field that lead to a Seattle touchdown. He doesn't run over people, he's not elusive, and if you breath on him he falls down. He's no where near the running back Piere Thomas was, and in big games, he's a liability on the field.