Ingram benched [OLD THREAD BUMPED]

Lol I'll tell you what I dont see then.

I dont see Ingram having long decisive impactful runs or 100 yard games like his back up this year.

I don't see any other true #1 running back around the league require this amount of excuses to justify their play

He got benched in a big game despite his "above average" stats.....go figure lol

Surprise! yesterday was the first game we had our starting Oline intact. Ingram got benched as punishment for two fumbles in 4 carries. It happens. It took a FULL load for Hightower to barely reach that 100 yards. the way you are talking Hightower had 150 yards. He did well, but let's not get crazy. Huh, go figure, Payton finally decides to commit to the run and Hightower benefits. Hightower proved he has earned more reps.