Michael J. Fox talks about campaign/Rush

Rush Limbaugh aside, there are actual issues to discuss here. If someone is going to go on TV and support one candidate, while spouting what amount to practically lies, then that said person is not immune from criticism. (regardless of there medical condition).

Talent does support stem cell research. He simply doesn't support embryonic stem cell research. Do some research and find out how many medical positives have came out of embryonic stem cell research, much less cures for anything, and you'll see why so many oppose it (the answer would be 0), People oppose it not only for the fact that its along the lines of abortion, but also because it isn't viable for anything and millions of dollars have yielded absolutely nothing from it.

Adult stem cell research has yielded many breakthroughs over the years, but noone talks about that, they just talk about embryonic stem cells because its a good political platform. Frankly I think its a little disgusting in its own right to use such things for political gain. We know several types of stem cell's are providing cures and medical breakthroughs but politicians ignore those and don't push for extra funding for it. Makes no sense.

Funny how there was no outcry when Michael J. Fox ran ads supporting Arlen Spector.

The fact is that embryonic stem cell research offer possiblities that adult stem cells may not. Why shouldn't we fund this? Because, as Bill O'Rielly says: "There's no guarentee"? When is there ever a guarentee in scientific research? What if Queen Isabella had denied funding to Columbus because there was no "guarentee" that he would reach the New World? What if Jonas Salk had not researched his Polio vaccine because there was "no guarentee" of a cure? I suppose all the researchers working on cures for Cancer and AIDS should just stop because we can't "guarentee" they'll find a cure!

Basically, this comes down to whether or not you think the "life" of a series of cells in a petrie dish are more important than the actual lives of actual people.

And for Fox's "behavior" in the political ad to even be and issue....well, that's (veiled profanity). You who are upset by it probably just want all of the "unclean" to lock themselves away so we don't have to see them. Because to acknowledge that they exist would mean we might, as a people, need to do something to help them.

How are you better than Tom Cruise, because of *his* religion, decrying the necissity of Psychiatry and medication? Because that's what this basically boils down to...your religious beliefs.

Go jump on a couch...and take your "liberal media" with you.