New Orleans Runs on Daiquiris

You need to get you one brah. Sometimes, a nice, double-shot daiquiri just sets you right. Great way to start a party night.

I disagree. Daiquiris have their place, but I get a sugar crash about an hour after drinking one. I think their purpose are primarily for when your wife decides she has to drag you through the mall on a Saturday afternoon when you should be playing golf.

Drive thru daiquiris with the paper on the straw on the way home from work should be an American's natural right.

Paper on the straw? I've never heard of such a thing.

Can I get a large Jungle Juice with 2 extra shots of Everclear. Thank you.

Yuck. People should not drink Everclear ever. Just get 4 shots of real liquor.

And it's usually Crawgator for me, but Cajun Eggnog season is almost upon us - that is the best. With an extra shot of brandy, thanks.