I've always thought that certain injuries could be avoided based on Skill of the player

This is quite a stupid statement. Bennett wasn't even prepared for the Cut block, he had his eyes in the backfield when Matthews cut him. If he was so technically sound at this craft he would have had this hands on Matthews and controlled his momentum and avoided injury all together.

Wow you've been calling opinions stupid quite frequently lately. Is that how you swipe away a persons POV just because you don't agree. IIRC you've said the same about anything Bclemms posted in the Ingram Benched thread.

Just because its over simplified or you don't agree doesn't make it stupid..but I digress.

I should probably delete this thread

He also mentioned body control. Perhaps the slightest difference in stance because of how little wasted motion he uses saved him. If his leg is wider when he's cut or his motion isn't controlled its a worse injury. Maybe his legs aren't as spaced during impact...anything. Just because you can't wrap your head around all the moving parts doesn't make the opinion stupid.