Bitcoin and Crypto Talk (Merged)(includes NFT)

I recently watched the Rise of Bitcoin documentary. And in this whole currency spasm from Brexit, I have been thinking about Bitcoin a lot.

It is fascinating and terrifying and beautiful and unsettling all at the same time.

Good point on Brexit. India and other countries dropping cash are another big incentive to move this direction. The cyrptocurrency community is striving to define the first true digital cash. Bitcoin is the gold, Monero has potential for digitial cash but others are nipping on the heals.

I haven't seen that documentary but probably need to check it out. I recently watched this and was blown away. It's long but it's mr bitcoin speaking to the Canadian senate and bank execs about innovation, regulation and more. Give it 15 min, it's quite enlightening.

I figured this video was more appropriate for the EE board since it involves securities and security although still a heavy dose of technology.