Home Alone Film with Live Orchestra

So here's my thoughts...

The orchestra was awesome. Better than I would have imagined it would be. The choir was phenomenal.

Perhaps, though, I had the wrong expectations in regards to how people would act in the show. Tons of people showed up late and the ushers were pretty horrible with their flashlights showing people where to go. Often times I had bright LEDs flashed in my face. People didn't seem to care to control their kids from talking and yelling out the lines of the movie. That part was expected from what I've read online though. Lastly, it appeared that people didn't really go to see the orchestra perform, but rather pay $30-100+ to watch a movie. I was surprised how many got up early to leave and missed out on a great finale.

Overall, I would like to attend something like this again, but maybe not a movie. I thought there would be more respect for the performers.