Cutting the cable, lets talk options and media setups

my bundle deal just ended also. my bill was $240 and this is ridiculous for cable. i have been looking on this thread to try and find a good solution.
i have netflix and like to watch HBO and movie channels.

Think im going to go with Playstationvue. they had a good article about the pros & cons between sling tv and PLaystationvue.

just need a Hd antena for the local.

We've been on PS Vue since August and love it. It is not quite perfect but definitely worth the savings over regular cable. One of the things that I have discovered is that if you have any issue with a recording on PS Vue, you can just about always view it on the "channel's" app. With PS Vue, you can download the channel apps that are in your subscription and login with your PS Vue info.
We were thinking of trying DirecTV Now but the lack of a DVR is a killer for us.