Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Charleston church massacre

My problem with the death primarily stems for the the fact that the constitutional right to a fair trial demands that absolutely no stone go unturned in defending someone facing the prospect of death - and that far too often that is not even close to being achieved.
There are people on death row who were defended by private solo practitioners operating on less than a shoestring budget from indigent defense funds that come in at a fraction of what state prosecutors get to prosecute such a case.

And while much better than that, many are sent to death row after being represented by extremely competent public defenders but who have caseloads that are often 25% or more larger than the prosecutors they are facing given the inequities of the criminal justice system

And neither take into account the enormous financial windfall prsecutors get from the "free" investigative services of police - something public defenders and indigent defense lawyers do not get and are often set up as opposed.