Least Favorite Foods?
I hate mayo too (I do like Miracle Whip, though it's been ages since I've had it, it's just what we had growing up)
Someone mentioned cooked cabbage, yes! I detest sauerkraut, my grandmother used to make it, the smell, the taste
Milk - I'm not lactose intolerant, I have no problem with chocolate milk (to this day I've never had chocolate milk made with hersey's syrup), no problem if milk is used in any kind of recipe, but I can't do more than a couple sips of just a plain glass of milk
Mussels - This is more due to memories than taste, In high school I worked at a restaurant and I had to clean bags of mussels - that smell!
Guacamole - I've tried many times on this one, cheap restaurants, expensive restaurants, made table side, store bought and a few homemade, I just don't like it. I hate the too smooth texture of it and it looks like baby poop
Not a fan of sour cream