Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Charleston church massacre

War, or do we only care if this applies to people in our own country? War kills more innocent people than capital punishment could ever hope to.

This thought crossed my mind earlier and completely agree.

I think that at some point we have to decide if it's OK to keep people around who are a threat to our society and who we determine cannot be kept at bay under diplomatic means. Whether that means exterminate them, incarcerate them, incapacitate them or rehabilitate them.

Clearly I don't think options 1 and 3 are moral, but I would say that the only reasonable option we have right now is incarceration. We need to overhaul our concentration on glaring mental health issues in this country in every aspect.

But I'd like to reiterate that prisons are ******** and completely not the correct answer, so to say let's just keep shoving people in there together is not solving anything.

I'll agree at least partially. As for murderers, rapists, child molesters etc it would be more difficult to argue not putting these people in prison.

But I know we can't keep shoving in repeat drug offenders or people with other mental incapacities. Treatment and rehabilitation over locking someone in a cage for drug offenses. That probably won't be a popular view but it's one I think is in the right direction.