Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Charleston church massacre

I agree with and appreciate your instraspection here, my overall point is that it's just not cut and dry. People like to treat every issue as if there is a black and white answer. Yes we should have it or no we should not. Most of the time there isn't that easy of an answer. Most of the time we just have to do the best we can at the time. The general philosophy of our country is to be understanding and a leader in human treatment. While my gut instincts say remove this person from the Earth, he'll never do any good anyway, my greater good and logic tell me that can't be the best way. It's a conflict for sure. Would I lose any sleep the day he's executed? Nope, no I won't. But it makes me wonder if maybe we just get lazy and don't do the best we can.

while i agree that there are often (always) a plurality of answers (perspectives), how many of those answers are "reasonable"?

if someone's answer is followed by "well, that's just the way i feel" - that's fine but neither i, nor anyone else, should be inclined to follow your "feeling"
if you can't articulate the steps of your argument that lead to your conclusion/answer, should it really be held up as part of the public discussion?

(Boutrous, obviously i am using "you" in the plural)