Least Favorite Foods?
Hm. A lot of mention of anchovies. On pizza, no. Not a fan. But they're quite useful in a lot of other Italian cuisine. Chopped up and in a sauce or salad dressing, they lend it a little something extra, but they don't overwhelm you like when you lay an entire filet on a slice of pizza.
Raisins? Fine as a snack, or in big, chewy oatmeal cookies, or cinnamon rolls, but I hate hate HATE it when they (or grapes, for some reason) end up in something I believe should be savory, like chicken salad.
The worst is when it's put in turkey dressing. My South Dakota grandmother (usually a great cook, having lived on a farm, and all) would put raisins and grapes in her turkey dressing. It was quite a shock to young GW93, who loved his Louisiana grandma's dressing recipe, when I scooped a huge serving of South Dakota grandma's dressing and got a buttload of freakin' raisins and grapes.