Least Favorite Foods?

while i've never had a hugely tolerant palette (either for foods i could not stand or just did not prefer), i think my tolerance has peaked and i might be in a bit of decline even
dark beers seem to be the main ones - i've found that i just prefer lagers and ales now and that wasn't usually the case
i still want darkdark coffee, but am not as drawn to chicory as i used to be (i'll still drink it, but i don't seek it out like i used to)
i used to really enjoy complex dishes, and now i'm fine it's a bit more simple

For years my mother told me that my taste would change. I can still hear her say, "so try it anyway!". She was right, because there are things I used to hate as a child that I LOVE today (eggs and sweet potatoes come to mind).

I am not sure there is anything I used to love but now hate. I have noticed that I do not eat much browned hamburger meat any more, and I tend to shy from it when it is a choice at a restaurant...for example I will order steak, chicken, pork or fish tacos before ground beef these days.