Former T-P building may become "major amusement facility" -- Top Golf Rumors flying

What is "Top Golf"?

Edit: Nevermind. I googled that for me.

Apparently it's a facy driving range. I'm not sure that is the best use for potentially very valuable land right off the Pontchatrain Expressway. I mean, the number of golfers is in steep decline over the last few years IIRC. Millenials aren't picking up the game. An amusment facility targeted at golfers seems a bad choice in that environment in a city with major economic struggles.

Yeah, you are definitely going to be wrong. Every time there is a spot that people think could accomodate a Top Golf locally people go nuts with rumors.

You don't understand. These things kill it, even in smaller markets. They are wildly, wildly successful. Everywhere.