Star Wars Stand Alone Films

I loved Rogue One - I think I liked it even more than Force Awakens

Anyone interested in any version of a Palpatine movie?

Also, this is the first time I've seen his first name - Sheev - who knew?


As the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Sheev Palpatine has a bit of a reputation. The ruling Sith keeps a tight grip on the officers and Imperial leaders in his closest circles and uses them to control the galaxy. He emanates power and fear, and on the rare occasions he doesn't get his way, he can always resort to wielding Force lightning.

Palpatine had quite the rise to the top. He began as a humble senator on Naboo and through skilled manipulation and careful nudging, he managed to land the highest seat in the Republic Senate. The best part? He made it look like a gracious climb up the ladder that he took upon himself begrudgingly. He was masterful with his poker face.

Given the character's upward mobility, ambition, and mad Force skills, the field is rich with storytelling options for a future Star Wars Story. Potential spin-offs could fall into a few different categories – political thriller, action-adventure, or science fiction. Here are a few stories that could serve as inspiration for an Emperor Palpatine movie...

Palpatine was successful in his bid to rule the known galaxy for a multitude of reasons. He pulled strings in the political and spiritual arenas, his use of the dark side clouded the Force for all and made Jedi resistance less likely, and he was patient. Eerily patient. Who mentored the Sith and fostered these skills? The 2012 Legends novel Darth Plagueis by James Luceno looks at Palpatine's teacher. Taking place partially during The Phantom Menace and partially in the past, the story introduces Sidious' master and details how they worked together and how, eventually, Sidious killed him as part of his end game to, you know, take over the universe......................

A Star Wars Story We Want: Palpatine - IGN