Cutting the cable, lets talk options and media setups

so my mother is even asking me about a firestick now b/c she has heard she can watch anything.

is there any current or "on the immediate horizon" push back from cable/internet providers if you go the firestick - Kodi - Exodus route?

I am just looking at what could go bad before I even go down that road.
I don't think so. you do need to check your internet service. I have Cox and the 50 mbps and it has a data cap. I believe I get 1 TB of data if I go over, then there are overage fees..
I have 4 streaming devices, 3 phones, 2 tablets and a laptop on my network, and only came close once (used 75%). have a friend who went over once using ATT Uverse, so he upgraded to the 1GB Mbps because it had unlimited data.

If you do use Exodus type addons with Kodi, do not download the movies/tv shows. you will get a dirty letter from your provider..

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