As the Seas Around Them Rise, Louisiana Fisherman Deny Climate Change

As the Seas Around Them Rise, Louisiana Fishermen Deny Climate Change

I am intentionally placing this on the Everything Else board (and not the Politics board)-- because climate change (and the science that shows man's effect on it) is not political, it's fact.

Cameron, Louisiana (CNN) People live and die by the water in southern Louisiana.

The Gulf of Mexico, the rivers, lakes, and massive marshes that look more like sea than land, are woven into their identity. They're always there.

The water brings food, livelihoods and culture. But it also takes. Rising seas have swallowed more than 1,800 miles of coastline in the last 78 years, according to the United States Geological Survey.

That puts residents here at the forefront of areas affected by climate changes. But among four people who spend most of the day outside, whose lives are dependent on the weather, who stare at the same horizon each day, there is little agreement on what climate change will bring, or even if it exists. Leo Dotson is among the skeptics. He's been shrimping in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, for 54 years and he'll admit the coastline has changed.....

Denying climate change as the seas around them rise -