here is where you fall in to your own trap
the "Democratic Party" as it exists now, is still pretty 'neo-liberaKArl Rove'l - essentially pro-corporate with socially liberal positions
it's quite the stretch to say the Party has a anti-industrial position
a LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE position would want to check dinosaur fuel growth/development for clean power but as you and all saw when Hillary beat Bernie - the progressive wing does not control the party
there isn't a Roger Ailes+Karl Rove analogy on the Left/Dems
plus let's be entirely clear, there aren't "sides" in this debate - there is verifiable data and there is denial of verifiable data
just like evolution, there aren't "sides" - there is hypothesis based on verifiable date and there is mythology
it's not even apples and oranges. it's apples and Farmville