As the Seas Around Them Rise, Louisiana Fisherman Deny Climate Change

I laugh inside every time my deep south climate change denying relatives call and complain about the heat. Every year they sound a little more down about it, a little more desperate to escape it, and talk about how much hotter it is now.

Republican Projection Syndrome at it's finest. The actual conspiracy is being perpetrated by the fossil fuel industry, in collusion with the GOP. That is where all the money is, untold amounts of it, being protected with lies, conspiracy and collusion.

But no, it's definitely a worldwide conspiracy by green energy companies, unrelated scientists from every country, in every research facility in the world, and democrats.

Republicans here in NC banned even studying rising water levels on the coast. That's how bald faced and corrupt they are. Then all their programmed lackeys come to the internet and start obfuscating, talking about conspiracy theories and corrupt green energy startups!


Exactly the same pattern with other issues. Like all my racist relatives using the n word their entire lives, glancing sideways with squinted eyes at every black person they meet, then turning around in a political discussion and trying to act like its all about the philosophy of states rights, or taxation, or anything other than their racism and complete disdain for the less fortunate. Like you're supposed to take what they say in a vacuum.

Doesn't work like that.

Obvious stereotyping aside, the only Southerners that I ever hear complaining about the heat are the one's who spend way too much time in the A/C. It was hotter than hell here when I was a kid and it still is. If you're a Southerner, you learn to deal with it or you stay inside. Come here in July, you'll find more than your fair share of folks enjoying the heat.