N/S--brooks on NFL Network on the demotion of Tom Walsh........
its not hard to figure out who the AB apologists are, huh?
Everytime someone posts something about AB you can COUNT on several ppl saying get over it, saints forum, beating a dead horse. Whats beating a dead horse is to continually tell people what they should or shouldnt talk about. I know its so awful to keep reading things about him, yet you must respond to every post that is irritating you.
Like it or not, he was a part of the team, people are still interested in what he does. It is relevant to a football forum, like it or not. I watched the Oak/SD game over the CHI/NE game simply because i wanted to see AB play( play is a term used very loosely in this sentence).
He is in the news today, why can't that be discussed? Doesn't mean YOU have to discuss it.