Thoughts on our recent trades for 1st round picks
Firstly sorry if someone has already poster about this!!! But there's a little time till our next pick so i'd throw this out there.
I wanted to get everyones thoughts on both the trades we've pulled to get late 1st round picks. first it was Jimmy Graham for the 31st, Max Unger and some later pick swaps and then it was Brandon Cooks for the 32nd and some later pick swaps.
Jimmy graham isn't the same player in Seattle that he was with us and we got our of that monster contract we gave him that would have crippled us later on. Now that he's played a few years in Seattle at a much lower level than he played with us one could think that Graham was a product of the system.
With rumours suggesting that Cooks also wanted a monster contract from us, who else thinks that the head office maybe considered Cooks to be a product more so of the system and not deserving of such a contract?
It looks like we've been doing a great job for getting 1st round picks for guys we think we can replace easily with our system.