New info on Merriman
"Supplements" is ALWAYS the excuse from EVERY player. Why? Because even if it was steroids, the public will hear Merriman say "supplements" so the public remembers that. So if his agent gets him an endorsement deal, the public will remember he took the wrong "supplements", not steroids.
Sorry, but he should know what the supplements have in them, if he indeed took supplements and not steroids. If he doesn't, why take them? Supplements don't do anything extraordinary that he just "has" to use them. And if they do, then there performance-enhancing.
Using the "supplement" defense is a cop-out, plain and simple. He plays in the NFL with official, professional team doctors that could tell him what supplements are okay. He has teammates who have been around that could tell him based on their own, or others', experiences. It is the player's job to know what goes into his body, tainted supplement or not. If someone slips me a drug, such as PCP, ito my drink and I get tested, jail, no questions asked. It is your responsibility and if you get caught, you lose.