Gutter punk kids & NOPD are a joke

So my girlfriend was walking back to her car in the FQ from a business dinner meeting and on the way these gutter punk kids (I don't know what the pq term is) started cat calling her and cursing her out then they lit FIREWORKS and threw them at her. She literally starting running down decatur screaming! It happened right in front of that Christmas shop thing, they're always there...

Here's the best part, so she calls the police after talking with me and it takes them 6 SIX hours for them to make a report over the phone! She sat in her car for an hour waiting for them to show up before she left and just came home.

I am so sick of these obvious drug infested disease infested kids, why are they here??!! I guess word gets out within their networks that we'll put up with it. I mean I get it and I do feel sorry for them, they prob come from broken homes and what not, but this is dangerous.

Look at esplanade there's always a circle of strung out kids camping there it's disgusting. It's obvious so why don't the cops do anything, they should break them up!
Also, there's so many more stories of these kids breaking into things and assaulting people. It's just a disgrace.

One last thing, they're not dumb like they know the laws. Ex. they usually have dogs with them cause I heard cops hesitate to arrest you if you have a dog. The cop has to wait for animal control to take the dog which cops don't have time to deal with... I feel so bad for that dog too.

thats a law????

cool. my dog will accompany me EVERYWHERE NOW. lol