Gutter punk kids & NOPD are a joke

New Orleans isn't the only one with the problem. Our Church in Shreveport is just a few miles from the Texas border. There is an entire community camping in the woods around there. They seem to stake out our church and panhandle anyone that walks up to it. It is actually quite scary. I taught GED classes at the church and had to lock the doors when my students came in. Someone would come everyday and ring the doorbell or bang on the door relentlessly. I used to give them a couple of bucks, but dang man, it would happen nearly everyday. I finally gave up and quit answering.

If I didn't lock the doors, they would come in and scare the heck out of my students and myself. They would get belligerent and demand my help.

Our church had a program of volunteers that would take the time and assist them with gas, money, or food. We ran the program for years, but in the last year, the number of people demanding help just skyrocketed. It was honestly like we were being advertised to the rest of their community. A group of them started acting real aggressive to our volunteers, and wiped feces on our doors. The church decided to end the program. It's sad, we wanted to continue helping, but the attitude had shifted from one of need to one of entitlement. It reached the point that our volunteers no longer felt safe.