Gutter punk kids & NOPD are a joke

You are wrong and there are books if you want to do your own research. Junky, Dreamland, etc.

When the mob fled to New Orleans they started getting heroin off the docks from the Vietnamese fishermen. New York was the only other place the Mob used the Vietnamese to import heroin. That is why New Orleans has a long history of heroin and cultural heroin tolerance.

Have you ever read a single jazz autobiography? Do you know where all the N.O. Jazz musicians got their heroin? Do you know why William Burroughs in Junky lived in New Orleans instead of L.A. which is much closer to Mexico?

You're talking about decades ago. The market has changed since then. And yeah I've read Burroughs, but that isn't relevant to anything that's going on today.

This is a quote from the 2013 DEA Heroin Domestic Monitoring Program

The Heroin Domestic Monitor Program (HDMP), a retail-
level heroin purchase program, provides data analysis about
the price, purity, and geographic source of heroin sold at the
retail (street) level in 27 U.S. cities. In 2013, a total of 699
qualified samples were purchased. Of those samples, 357
were classified as Mexican (MEX) heroin (293 MEX and 64
alleged Mexican white (See Figure 1)), 334 were classified
as South American (SA) heroin, and 8 were classified as
Southwest Asian (SWA) heroin. During 2013, for the eighth
consecutive year, no Southeast Asian (SEA) heroin samples
were purchased through the HDMP.

The 2013 HDMP data indicate that Mexico was the primary
source of the heroin sold at the retail-level in the United
States and continued to dominate drug markets west of
the Mississippi River. In 2013, MEX heroin had the lowest
recorded average purity in the HDMP at 16.9 percent, a
decrease of 0.7 percentage points from 2012. MEX heroin
average price per milligram pure decreased to $1.12 in
2013 from the 2012 price of $1.40 per milligram pure.

However, alleged Mexican white heroin samples exhibited
the highest average purity in the program at 35.5 percent
with an average price of $1.21 per milligram pure. Eighty-
nine percent of alleged Mexican white heroin samples were
purchased east of the Mississippi River.

In 2013, HDMP data indicated that heroin exhibits classified
as an “Unknown” (UNK) signature were encountered most
often in the eastern and Midwestern United States where SA
heroin typically dominates the market. Of particular interest
is the fact that 57 of the 64 (89.1 percent) heroin exhibits
classified as UNK which displayed the characteristics of
“alleged Mexican white” heroin were purchased east of the
Mississippi River, in cities identified as traditional SA heroin
markets. These cities include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston,
Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New Orleans, New York City,
Newark, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Richmond, St.
Louis, and Washington, DC. This is likely an indication that
the current retail heroin market in each of these cities is in
transition and that Mexican drug trafficking organizations
(DTOs) continue to expand their role in white heroin
Or from 2016:

Mexican traffickers are expanding their operations to gain a larger share of eastern U.S. heroin markets.The heroin market in the United States has been historically divided along the Mississippi River, with western
markets using Mexican black tar and brown powder heroin, and eastern markets using white powder (previously
Southeast and Southwest Asian, but between1997 and 2010 almost exclusively South American) heroin.