What is your most favorite non playoff moment in SAINT history.

This one's my favorite too. I was there, even though I wasn't born yet, along with about 3.7 million other people lol.

In all seriousness though, mine is the same as guido's. My dad has never been a fan of going to the games since I've been alive, he'd prefer to watch at home. He told me that year that if the Saints made it to the playoffs that he'd take me to the game if it was here (I bet he thought he was slick!). I was only 6 years old, but I remember when the Saints beat the Packers in that final game of the season knowing that I was going to not only get to see the Saints play in person, I was going to get to see them beat the crap out of the 8-7 Vikings in the first ever playoff win. I mean, even a 6 year old knows that 12-3 is far superior to 8-7, so there's like no chance that the inferior team would go on the road in the playoffs and forever etch into my memory the score of 44-10 in what ended up being one of the most depressing moments of my short life. I was little and just didn't understand how they could lose, and lose SOOOOOOOOOO BAD. I was crushed.

The life of a Saints fan. :jpshakehead:

Definitely among the many low moments in team history, that shocking margin of defeat was.

But my love of research and watching old games reminded me of something about the '87 Vikings. They lost all three of the "replacement" games with the scab players, while the Saints were 2-1 and the 49ers were 3-0. And of course one full week of games was cancelled entirely. Thus, the "regular" Vikings were 8-4 and likely could have easily posted double digit wins had the strike not occurred. They also had better athletes at the skill positions than we did and had some young, budding defensive players like Chris Doleman and established players like Joey Browner. So that record is a bit deceiving. They also upset the Niners the following week and lost a close one to Doug Williams and the Redskins in the NFCCG.