Judge erases Aaron Hernandez’s murder conviction

It wasn't overturned - that implies some error or deficiency in the conviction. It was voided under a due process rule. I don't think the judge had discretion, it was voided by application of state law.

I know, and it's because the case is so high profile, that this law has caused some uproar.

But I think it makes sense. If the guy is dead, what more can you really do to the person? Is it really worth the tax payer money to try this guy again, or hear appeals? Seems like a giant waste of tax payer dollars. Time to close the book on this guy. The victims who are still with us, have permanent wounds, that only time can dull. The sooner we forget about this guy, the better off everyone involved is.

Does anyone really think he got the last laugh on the system? He was hanging by a bed sheet, rigged to a barred window that was less than 36 inches off the ground. Dude had to dead leg himself and really struggle to get the job done. That is not how a vindicated man goes out, and thats all anyone will remember him for in a handful of years. History will not be kind to Aaron Hernandez, the cold blooded killer who they found hanging in his jail cell.