What is your most favorite non playoff moment in SAINT history.
My two top non playoff games that I attended are first a home game, and the post Katrina thrashing of Atlanta, The whole buzz during that entire game was crazy. Second would be the Meachem strip fumble. I attended the game alone, sat very near the aisle where the "unknown who dat fan" appeared. During the game, while totally surrounded by Redskins fans who were VERY cocky they were going to win the game and being ribbed very hard by these fans....I exclaimed pretty loudly when told...."are you worried yet that the Saints are going to lose?".... I responded, "No...I just don't know if we are going to win in regulation or if we will have to beat you in overtime!". Needless to say, it got real quiet around me later and a few fans left in disgust. Still not sure how I made it out of there alive.