What is your most favorite non playoff moment in SAINT history.
Originally Posted by LetsGetWaffles
Thanks Judge Judy, but you're wrong. This is a forum for Saints fans, not a court of law or city council. Anyone is allowed to ridicule any opinion they see fit.
And they stand to be ridiculed for being a jerk and a terrible representative of the Cajun heritage.. They could be stripped of your CoonAss card but it sounds like they never properly earned one. The rest of us Cajuns are raised to help one another in a time of need or weakness. Even if its a brain fart. We don't go around teasing our brothers and sisters because we don't agree with them or bc they mispeled something or if it juss aint propa' gramma'. We can do better as a family in my opinion. We are all born with the right to own opinions so please if you do not agree have the class to disagree without the ridicule that we left behind in grade school and properly inform your brother or sister where you believe they might have been mistaken. I can't stand a bully especially when it's for something so insignificant as improper English bc he and/or she might just not care at the moment or might be on the the phone. This isn't court its a fansite of the greatest fans in the world so lets represent with class.