Classic TV Shows and Movies You Hate

Independence Day is a steaming pile of donkey crap. Actually, most movies made between, say, 1995 and 1998 are generally terrible. Hollywood recovered with an awesome year in 1999 and then rebounded in general afterwards, but there really is a terrible black hole of quality after 1994 and before 1999.

Rocky IV is a cartoon of a movie that significantly derails what, to that point, had been a fairly realistic franchise. Rocky V goes straight into the toilet. Both Rocky Balboa and Creed are quite good, though, so it recovered.

Every Rambo movie after First Blood completely misses the point of First Blood and the John Rambo character and it's hard to watch them because of it. You go from a fairly serious examination of PTSD and the treatment of troops post Vietnam to totally off the walls brainless action movies.

Terminator 2 is a movie that has aged terribly and is inferior to the original Terminator in every way except budget and special effects.